William Robinson - GArden Designer & Publisher

Lecture by Julie Verity

Tuesday, 25th March 2025

at Onslow Village Hall

7.15pm for 7.45pm

We are celebrating the start of Spring with a live lecture on the subject of William Robinson – The Wild Gardener, good friend of Gertrude Jekyll and publisher of his popular weekly magazines The Garden and later Gardening Illustrated. In 1884 he bought Gravetye Manor, which the Society visited a few years back and where he created an iconic garden.

William Robinson was born in Ireland in 1838 and outlived Jekyll, living to 1935 although wheelchair bound after 1909. He had once been a “frequent visitor” to Munstead and had, it is said, "more than once lent his experienced hand in the laying out of the garden”. His garden philosophy was "in tune with an increasing taste for simplicity as epitomised by the British Arts and Crafts movement.... and a resurgence of interest in the English Cottage Garden".

Julie Verity lectures widely on the subject. Julie studied Horticulture and Plant Physiology at University, gaining two degrees and doing post-doctoral work in New Zealand. After a successful career in business and education, she has returned to her love of plants through painting and giving talks about gardens and her gardening heroes.

The lecture is held at Onslow Village Hall, Wilderness Road, Guildford, GU2 7QR

Tickets available on the door, but book in advance if you can

Tickets: ACMS Members £12. Non-members £15


ACMS 2025 Lecture William Robinson ticket notice.pdf